Industrial cleaning agents have excellent corrosion inhibition properties, industrial cleaning agents can also be called corrosion inhibitors, mainly used in neutral medium, anode type corrosion requires a high concentration, so that all the anodes are passivated, once the dose is insufficient, will lead to hole corrosion in the part without passivating.While our industrial cleaning agent consists of nitrogen, sulfur and hydroxyl with surface active organic molecules, which have the properties of two kinds of cutting fluid molecules of opposite polarity, and can be adsorbed on the formed metal surface to clean the single molecule membrane, which can be formed not only in the anodic oxidation film, but also in the negative film.Therefore, industrial cleaning agent in a relatively fuzzy processing equipment and strict conditions, can effectively reduce the processing cost.
Action of industrial cleaning agent and cleaning object:
1. Strong ability to absorb water and remove oil: can quickly remove all kinds of lubricating oil, edible oil, animal oil and vegetable oil for oil removal.
2. Strong automatic oil removal capability: no heating mixing conditions, such as automatic rapid degreasing and oil removal.
3. Strong osmotic emulsification ability: under the condition of no heating and stirring, if it can quickly permeate into any corner, the emulsification will make the grease have nowhere to hide.
4. Industrial cleaning agent is acid, alkali and hard water, neutral detergent, do not hurt the hand.
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