The main ingredients of stainless steel pot cleaners are fine abrasives, anionic surfactants, ethanol, solvents, flavors, etc. It is a kind of environmental protection stainless steel nursing agent specially developed for the long-term use of stainless steel pots and pans, the cleaning and care of various oil stains, yellow rust, white film, dullness, black spots and other stains of oxidized products. For the maintenance of imported high-grade pots and pans. At the same time, it is also suitable for cleaning and maintenance of stainless steel stubborn stains such as elevators, railings, stainless steel countertops, etc.

Stainless steel cleaner process operation
Hand brushing: directly brush the surface of stainless steel parts with a brush, and then rinse or rinse it with water
Warm soak: heat the mixed stainless steel detergent solution to 50 ℃ - 60 ℃, soak it for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse or rinse it with water.
Spray cleaning: spray cleaning machine for spraying, such as foam can increase the use of defoamer.
Mechanical cleaning: small workpieces should be cleaned by mechanical vibration agitation.
Ultrasonic cleaning: it is recommended to use an ultrasonic cleaning machine with at least two grooves. It can be cleaned in one groove and rinsed in one groove, which is convenient for operation and improves efficiency.
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